
Please use this blog to post your comments, reflections, responses, questions and ideas for each other, the class and me on The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. If you are part of the Notebook group, please post nightly, according to the reading scheduled you've devised. Have fun, challenge yourselves and others and enjoy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Book vs. Movie

I liked the ending of the movie waaaaaay better than i liked the ending of the book. I thought it was so much cuter how they died hand in hand and it was clear that they died like that. the ending to the movie said they died together after they kissed for the last time but it wasn't clear


I liked the ending, but it was kind of a cliff-hanger. It kind of let you think of what might have happened because the book ended right after they kissed. I didn't really like how the book did that because I was looking forward to the ending of the book and I was disapointed how the book didn't really give you a clear ending. I was really disapointed to the ending! :(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The End

I really enjoyed the end of the book. I htink it is sweet how the nurse leaves becaus eshe knows Noah will sneek and see Allie. I love how when Noah goes in her room and kisses her that she kises him back. There love was so strong that they beat her sickness. That is an example of how strong love can be. I am not sure if they die together. Overall i really enjoyed this book. I agree with the theme of the book. I think that this kind of love is true and that it can happen. I believe that it happens all the time. I also strongly believe that if it is true love it will always keep you together.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Towards the beginning of the last chapter Allie remembers Noah for a little bit and before she forgets him again Noah wishes that they could die like this, remembering each other, dying as a married couple. I'm not sure if they died with Allie knowing who Noah is, but I love the way the book ends. He goes into her room late and night to watch her sleep because he misses her, and he kisses her and all of the sudden she kisses back and then she tells Noah that she misses him, and it's a miracle and the book ends.
I was so sad when I found out that Allie has altimherz. Although I was so happy when I found out they got married and had children, I'm not sure how Allie managed to end things with Lon and make the right decision to be with Noah, but I'm happy she did. I feel so bad for Noah that he has to see his wife every day but she doesn't even know his name, but at least they get to be together.

winter for two

The ending of the book goes as the man who was reading the story, the narrator is actually Noah. The woman he is reading to is actually Allie but she has Alzheimers disease, and she can not even remember who Noah is half of the time, but everyday he reads her the notebook and tries to get her to fall in love with him. Some days it works, and some days it doesn't though. They both kind of figuring out that they are dying, Noah more than Allie, but it's nice that they are together. It shows how if you find the right person, their love for each other is eternal.
Aged Love

After reading about Noah and Allie and their life together, the ongoing theme of love is proven. We learn that allie has Alzheimer's and that she is getting worse and worse. Noah reads to her everyday, he reads to her from a notebook. The story he reads is the story of them and the love they shared. He reads to her everyday in hope that it will be a good day and she will remember and tye can hold eachother till she forgets. I find this very interesting because Noah knows that she cant remember things but still he doesnt care. He believes that she will remember and for that little time they will be like the old days. This shows that love if it is real is the strongest thing. This shows that Allie and Noah really do have something special and that there love is so powerful it can do anyhting and will always keep them together.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I love how Allie's mom shows she accepts her love for Noah finally. Allie always felt her parents were not accepting of her love for Noah because they made it obvious they didn't want her to be with him. Her mom took his letters out of the mailbox so she couldn't read them, and Allie thought Noah didn't care about her or forgot about her even. Allie's mom shows that she accepts him by showing up at his house unexpected and warning them about Lon's arrival, and she tells Noah she's always liked him, she just didn't think he was right for her. She also tells Allie to follow her heart, and that's her way of telling Allie she accepts whatever decision she makes, as long as she's happy.


It was sad that Allie had to go back to the hotel, to Lon. Noah really did not want her to go, he literally does not want to go back to the way he was, the way he felt for the past 14 years before Allie came to visit, though he accepts the fact because when she leaves, he does not go and chase her, but I think that he will. When she gets back to the hotel, she reads the first letter that Noah wrote to her because when she pulls into the parking lot for the hotel, she see's Lon's car and cannot build the courage to talk to him. I think she's afraid to talk to Lon because now that she realizes how much she loves Noah, she does not know how to act around Lon normally anymore.
What i want to Happen

Before Allie went in to talk to Lon, she opened up the letters that Noah wrote to her. SHe went to the final goodbye leter. I thought that she is was trying to do anything to delay talking to Lon. I think that that shows that she really doesnt want to be wiht Lon and is regretting leaving Noah. Also everything she saw around town reminded her of Noah. What I really want to happen is that she talks to Lon and confesses her love for Noah to him. I want her to explain to him that she does love him but her and Noah have a rare kind of love and she cant leave him again. Then I want her to say good bye to Lon and go back to Noahs. I want her to choose Noah. Then I want her and Noah to finally be together and be able to share there love for eachother that they werent able to for the past 14 years.


What i thought was interesting about Allie's mother coming to Noah's house in Allie's point of view is that she thought that no one knew about Noah anymore, and how her mother told her to follow her heart instead of her head. It draws an idea that her mom had a past relationship with a man besides Allie's father whom she loved and probably still does, and she doesn't want Allie to make the same mistake as she did.
After reading Court rooms and Phone Calls, the true measure of love is tested. Allie and Noah woke up holding eachother and were inturrupted by pounding on the door. Allie's mother was at the door, she was here to warn Allie that Lon was on his way to New Bern. When Allie heard this her heart dropped, she didnt know what she was going to say to him. Allie ended up leaving Noah although her heart was telling her otherwise. What i found interesting was that when Allie was talking to her Mother before she left her mother asked, " do you love noah? Allie responded, " yes i do, very much." The next questioned her mother asked was, " do you love Lon? Allie answered, " Yes, I do, I love him too. Dearly , but in a different way. He doesnt make me feel the way Noah does." I found this interesting because she clearly is in love with Noah and wants to stay with him, but she still leaves. I dont understand why she still left when her heart was telling her she wanted to be wiht Noah forever.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the second day together

In the chapter phone calls, we get introduced to Lon. Though Lon, treats Allie well, he puts his career before her, but here Lon grows suspicious of Allie and heads to New Bern to basically without knowing that he has to try to save this engagement. In the next chapter kayaks and forgotten dreams, Allie goes back to Noah's and again their emotions towards each other came back, but this time it hit them because they end up having sex and really, deeply profess their love to each other. Though later in the day, Allie's mother comes up the Noah's house to warn her that Lon is coming up to New Bern and that Allie has to leave Noah
I am so sad the Allie left Noah, they had such an amazing time together, it was so apparent to both of them that they are deeply deeply in love. I had a hard time reading the part where Allie drove away, and Noah realizes she's gone forever, it was so upsetting, and I felt so bad for Noah. I hope Allie realizes she mad the wrong decision, and I know she will regret this. I just hope she realizes before it's too late, before she marries Lon.


This chapter is basically more than just any old ordinary reunion, this was an unexpected reunion to epic proportions. It shows that while they are both older, and a newer version of their adolescent selves, they still are absolutely madly in love with each other. Noah feels that now that he has her, he never, ever wants to let her go again, and go through the pain of knowing that she will be married to another man. Allie, too loves Noah way more than she knows that she should because she feels guilty for Lon, her fiance's sake, her love for Noah is way to strong. This chapter shows how grownups can basically act like kids again, but while they are yes, acting like kids, they also have to make adult decisions.

the letters

I really liked how Noah wrote his goodbye letter. He wasn't bitter, he just wanted the memories from that summer to last forever. That's all he wanted. And he wanted her to do the same. He knew that she would always be his first love and tha the could never be mad at her. I really like the maturity he showed. And the persistence, 2 and a half years and he was still trying to get her to answer him.

Noah and allie's goodbye

This actually made me want to cry. It was SO sad. The worst part was that they didn't want to say goodbye, but they had to. I really want Allie to come to her senses. Lon isn't as good for her as Noah is. They are deffinately soulmates and it made me so sad that they had to say goodbye. Noah is such a good person for knowing that she did what she had to do and not making it harder on her than it already is. Noah is such a good guy and he really would do anything for her. I want them to be together for LIFE! <3


The first chapter of the notebook sets the book up very well. It is actually in the eyes of a man who goes into a nursing home to visit a women, and everyday, he reads her a story about young love. The next chapter comes in with the beginning of the story where the characters of Noah and Allie are introduced. They were each other's first loves, but the thing that is interesting about their story is that they lost touch for 14 years, didn't even speak a word to each other, but they still kept on loving each other. The memories of the summer are implanted in Noah and Allie's memories. So far, it shows how strong a bond is when you meet the right person, what Noah and Allie are both realizing that once that bond, that person is there, that bond is never gonna go away, and they are learning that they hard way because if it was easy, then Allie would not have come to New Bern to see Noah.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This book is a very loved romance novel, and very popular. I think it's so popular because it's not that realistic. Most girl would kill to have two guys in love with them, and the way Noah loves her is so pure. It's not only the romance that makes the book so popular, it's also the interesting twist, she's engaged and she's still in love with someone else. She can make the more logical or realistic decision which would be to stay with her fiancé, Lon, or she can make the decision that actually makes her happy, which would be to leave her fiancé and be with Noah.
I loved last nights readings, I'm so happy that they ended up somewhat together. Allie seems like a bad person for cheating on her fiancé, but in reality she's not a bad person at all, she couldn't help the way she was feeling. I found it interesting how she wouldn't say she's loved him back, but I totally understand why. She's still engaged and she knows she loves him, she just has morals so she can't tell him how she's really feeling. I hope that they some how manage to live happily every after without Lon getting too hurt by it, but at this rate it doesn't seem like that's likely.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Second Reunion Date :)

I thought it was pretty much perfection how Noah and Allie ended up having sex. They are meant to be and i loved that they just let themselves love eachother. It was also perfect how they were sitting there by the fire, talking about how much they still loved eachother. It was a little bit fishy how when Noah told Allie he still loved her she didn't really say anything back. She obviously does still love him but he said it twice in the chapter and she didn't say it back to him. I don't know if she is holding out on saying it because that would make it more real and she has a fiance back home. Maybe telling him would make her feel like it is really happening and it's not just a dream. I also thought it was adorable how he planned the whole day and took her to a place with all the swans. another awesome thing was that he got her to start painting again, yaaaay!
Swans and Storms

In the reading for tonight the theme we have been talking about, which is that no matter how far apart you are if it is true love it will bring you back together is proven. Noah and Allie have been fihting off the love they have for eachother, but when thye finally realize that they love eachother and always have, they give in and make up fo all the lost years. I think this is a great chapter because it shows the true meaning of love. The love they had was so strong that it brought them back together. I believe this, becaus ethis is what every girl wants. Every girl wants to be loved and to love a guy so much that they would do anything. So this chapter shows how powerful love really is.

After reading reunion, I understand what true love really is. They both are remembering old times and how much they loved eachother. They both realize that they never have and never will love anyone as much as they loved eachother. When they see eachother for the first time in 14 years all of their feelings resurface. After spending the day together and having dinner together, they both fall in love again but then realize that they never stopped loving eachother. But for some reason they both are afraid to tell eachother their feelings. After reading this i realize that the love they had was true. I hope that they can tell eachother how they feel and stoping fighting their feelings.

My reading so far

I've been reading the notebook, and right now I'm at Allie and Noah's reunion. My favorite thing about this book is the detail, I really feel like I'm standing Allie's shoes and I can almost feel the feelings she has for Noah.  I hate how Allie and Noah want to be together, but they won't admit to themselves, because Allie is engaged. I'm really excited to read more of the book, and I'm hoping that Allie and Noah end up together!
The introduction to the notebook is very good. I like how they give you detailed background information about Allie and Noah's relationship but its short and to the point. Allie and Noah had a summer romance when she was 15 and he was 17. They had an unmeasurable kind of love for eachother. Then when the summer ended they moved on with their lives. Now Allie has found a new man and is engaged. Noah has not found someone to love. What is explained in the intro is the idea of a ghost. The ghost for Noah is reallly him thinking about all his memories with Allie. One of the themes that we discussed, is that no matter how far apart you are if it's true love it will alwasy bring you back together. I think that is a very interesting theme and i believe that it is true. I am excited to read more and see if their love brings them back together.


I really loved reading about Allie and Noah's first reunion after 14 years. It was really interesting to see that even after all this time apart they still had so much in common and it was so easy for them to reconnect. And after they had dinner, they fell in love again. They both felt it and they knew that their love was always there and even though they had dated others, the love they had for eachother was always there. Allie is struggling with letting herself love Noah again because she is engaged to Lon. Lon is the "perfect" guy for her and her lifestyle. But he is not the one she is meant to be with. She knows in her heart she has to be with Noah. This is so great because it's just soooo cuuuute! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The introduction of the book was very interesting because it has already started to show how much love Noah and Allie had and how much they still really love eachother even after 14 years apart. For Noah, he had never found another love. He had dated other women and had one girlfriend who was special, but she didn't even come close to how much he loved Allie. Allie has found another man. She really loved Noah and he was always in the back of her mind. She has found another guy she loves and is going to marry. But for some reason, as the wedding gets closer, allie starts to think about Noah even more. And for some reason, she has to see him.