
Please use this blog to post your comments, reflections, responses, questions and ideas for each other, the class and me on The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. If you are part of the Notebook group, please post nightly, according to the reading scheduled you've devised. Have fun, challenge yourselves and others and enjoy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Second Reunion Date :)

I thought it was pretty much perfection how Noah and Allie ended up having sex. They are meant to be and i loved that they just let themselves love eachother. It was also perfect how they were sitting there by the fire, talking about how much they still loved eachother. It was a little bit fishy how when Noah told Allie he still loved her she didn't really say anything back. She obviously does still love him but he said it twice in the chapter and she didn't say it back to him. I don't know if she is holding out on saying it because that would make it more real and she has a fiance back home. Maybe telling him would make her feel like it is really happening and it's not just a dream. I also thought it was adorable how he planned the whole day and took her to a place with all the swans. another awesome thing was that he got her to start painting again, yaaaay!

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